Workout Programs!

3 Week Bodyweight Training Program

This is a 3 week bodyweight training program that accommodates all levels of fitness. Each workout is 20-50 minutes in length and requires absolutely NO equipment besides you and a great pair of tennis shoes (or bare feet!). This program comes with encouragement and journaling guides as you embark on this journey. You also gain access to ME, as a virtual trainer and the Permaculture Princess Insiders Facebook group, should you have any questions or successes to share along the way! I am so excited to share this program, and I hope you have a great time as you continue your wellness journey! Upon payment, you will receive an email from me ( within 24 hours with a downloadable PDF of your program.


My first ever digital training program that spans different ability levels and encourages people in their fitness and wellness journeys! Here is some feedback from previous participants!

 I finally found a routine thats flexible with mom life and a full time job…I love that there is motivation and no “pressure” to workout – its more “yay you go girl/man” and less bootcamp! AND Andrea, you’re an amazing motivater – I love your use of ‘Restoration’ vs ‘rest’ just that word alone kept my momentum going. Seriously, if you told me to ‘rest’ i would have done just that – sat on the couch all day. But the idea of restoration kept me moving and instead I went swimming.

Jessica, Age 28

 THIS WAS AMAZING!!!! I loved going through this journey with you and I really appreciated being able to dig into a deeper understanding of myself and my body.  While my body and I have been on a bit of a love-hate relationship, your workouts helped me realize that this journey is to be honored and encouraged!

Meghan, Age 27

I have never warmed up and cooled down so intensively, in my life!! Focusing on recovery really reduced muscle soreness, back pain, joint pain, and general exhaustion without taking away the intensity/benefits of my workouts. I hope to continue to take warm-ups and cool-downs so seriously!

Danny, Age 32

3 Week Dumbbell/Kettlebell Training Program

This is a 3 week bodyweight training program that accommodates all levels of fitness. Each workout is 20-50 minutes in length and requires absolutely NO equipment besides you and a great pair of tennis shoes (or bare feet!). This program comes with encouragement and journaling guides as you embark on this journey. You also gain access to ME, as a virtual trainer and the Permaculture Princess Insiders Facebook group, should you have any questions or successes to share along the way! I am so excited to share this program, and I hope you have a great time as you continue your wellness journey! Upon payment, you will receive an email from me ( within 24 hours with a downloadable PDF of your program.


You will notice the Permaculture Princess Support Squad below, which is a place for you to financially back me. If you have found value from my Youtube channel, Podcast, Blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and you’d like to support this journey, you can click below and give me a financial “high five”.

Permaculture Princess Support Squad

A one-time donation that supports my video, podcast, writing endeavors, while also gaining access to the Permaculture Princess Insiders Facebook Group and monthly rewards and opportunities!


Interested in learning more about essential oils? Want to get started with a high quality company and have support as you learn and grow in your essential oil journey? Get in touch with me and we can set up a time to talk about doTERRA essential oils and how they can positively impact your life!

21-Day-Lifestyle Challenge

Contact Me here!