Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 11: Burdock Benefits Beyond Burrs

This is Episode #11 and it is the fourth in my Plant Features!! Today, we are taking a look at the Burdock plant. This is a plant that grows freely and easily in many regions, it may be best known for its annoying burrs that seem to latch onto horse, dogs, and clothing, but it is an amazing plant, nonetheless! This podcast is a rundown of what the burdock plant is and how its useful to nature and to mankind. 

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Earth

7 Easy Ways to Use Garden-Fresh Ingredients

So, you tried out your green thumb and it did alright! Now, how on earth do you use all of these fresh ingredients? Maybe you are a pro in the kitchen, but I do not consider myself quite so adept. I am a newbie, when it comes to food preparation! If I am being honest,… Continue reading 7 Easy Ways to Use Garden-Fresh Ingredients