Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Soul, Uncategorized

Empty Spaces Will Always Be Filled

Permaculture often times acts as a worldview. It is the view that if we would return to aiding the land in a more natural way of living, and let vegetation and soil interact the way they were meant to, we would have a surplus of nutritious food. This confidence in permaculture comes from the fact… Continue reading Empty Spaces Will Always Be Filled

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Starting Microgreens

As the winter months are officially upon us, my husband's ability to play in the dirt has been greatly inhibited.   I thought our 5 bucket worm-compost, our 3 Rosemary plants, 3 Aloe plants, 2 Snake plants, 1 Ponytail Palm, 1 Ficus Tree, 1 Basil plant, and 1 Dragon Palm might be enough to quench his… Continue reading Starting Microgreens

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

My Husband Won’t Use the Toilet…

I'm kidding. Kinda. While my husband abides by most laws and social constructs, he has begun to take the phrase "nature calls" quite literally, so much as is possible. Why? Because it is better for the earth, our bodies, and society as a whole. There are some 'green' habits that I LOVE, and others that… Continue reading My Husband Won’t Use the Toilet…