Permaculture Princess Podcast, Uncategorized

PPP 25: Family/Career/Health & Podcast Update w/ the Princess 2021

Welcome to the Permaculture Princess Podcast! This is Episode #25. It’s been quite a while since I last recorded, but we are about to get things back up and running! So, I figured I would start 2021 with a brief description of my last year, and where I plan to take this podcast from here!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 21: Edible Landscaping & Permaculture Principles w/ Alec LePoidevin of Fresh Roots WI

Alec LePoidevin, of Fresh Roots WI, is a fellow lover of health, sustainability and permaculture ethics. He is doing amazing work across southeast Wisconsin in helping people garden and learn about how they can better take care of the land around them. Here, we get super practical about what a permaculture designer does and how our Wisconsin, zone 5 region is accepting the regenerative agriculture movement. Hopefully this podcast inspires you to take action or just reminds you that there are others pouring their energy into this regenerative revolution!

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 12: Hot/Cold Contrast Showers

Hydrotherapy is an amazing alternative health technique that provides incredible benefits to our entire body! Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries for a variety of health benefits and therapies, but today I want to talk about 7 reasons you should make hydrotherapy, specifically in the form of a hot/cold shower part of your routine…

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 10: Interview with Shane Dailey; Father, Homesteader & Kin

This episode is an interview with my only, half-brother by blood, full-brother by Spirit, Shane Dailey! Shane has SO MUCH wisdom he could share with us, but today we are focusing on his ability to recycle and repurpose normal everyday items around his property and garden. Consider this a homesteading feature about how an everyday family goes about creating a practical farm. Some might call him a hoarder, including me, but nonetheless his ingenuity for finding purpose in what many would consider garbage, is amazing! Listen in as my very own brother shares some of his tricks and tips for living an intentional permaculture inspired life!

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind

Training for Birth

I love the sport of fitness. I love watching people train for anything! Some train for marathons, triathalons, weekend warrior races, intense yoga inversions, the Crossfit Games, or the Olympics. I am enamored with the human body and all the things it is capable of. My most recent training obsession has come with the adventure… Continue reading Training for Birth

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Soul

Montana’s Birth Story

It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable. -Socrates I have often seen this quote plastered over the visual of a powerful female athlete. Her muscles stand out, her body is chiseled, her focus is clear, and she is typically… Continue reading Montana’s Birth Story

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Society

Birth in the Comfort of My Home

If you have been following this blog for some time, you know that we are newly expecting! As I write this, I am 23 weeks pregnant, my belly button is popping, and we are having a GIRL! My husband recently asked me if pregnancy was similar to how I expected or imagined it would be. I… Continue reading Birth in the Comfort of My Home

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Bible Believer, Conservative Thinker, and Mary Jane Supporter

I am a product of the DARE education system. I signed a pledge card in 5th grade vowing to never use drugs, and I have more than followed through on that pledge. In fact, not only have I avoided illegal drugs, but I have avoided most legal substances, as well. By the grace of God,… Continue reading Bible Believer, Conservative Thinker, and Mary Jane Supporter

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Soul, Uncategorized

Growing More than Veggies!

I am a planner by nature. I like daily to-do lists, weekly planners, writing monthly workout plans, and scheduling in advance, whenever possible. However, it would seem that the more I plan, the more I depend on me and my superb organization skills. God knows me well. He knows that depending on self and being… Continue reading Growing More than Veggies!

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Earth, Uncategorized

17 Beneficial, Edible, and Beautiful Midwest “Weeds” defines weeds as, 1. a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop. 2. any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it is not wanted. Our society is taught to pull weeds, stomp out weeds, or spray them with chemicals. According to the definition above, a weed is a "valueless plant" that grows where it is "not wanted". BUT, what if I told you that EVERY plant has value of some sort!! It is… Continue reading 17 Beneficial, Edible, and Beautiful Midwest “Weeds”

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Poultry with the Princess

A beginners guide to getting and maintaining chickens. I love checklists and so here is my princess checklist for your poultry adventure!

Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Soul, Uncategorized

Springtime Contemplations

Permaculture is not a religious term and it has no religious connotation or affiliation. Yet, as I grow in my understanding of nature and all that it entails, I find it impossible to separate regenerative agriculture from my foundation of faith. There are SO many spiritual lessons that can be gained from the natural world… Continue reading Springtime Contemplations

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Why You Should Hire a Permaculture Designer

I recently explained to a very dear family member that my husband has a permaculture design certificate from The Permaculture Institute, taught by Geoff Lawton and we are in the process of building a business around sustainable gardening and permaculture. They stared at me blankly. Often when people ask, “What do you do?” or “What… Continue reading Why You Should Hire a Permaculture Designer

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind, Uncategorized

3 Ways to Reduce Toxicity in Your Life! (Ladies Only)

This is for ladies only (unless you are a guy who wants to share health information with the ladies in your life!) In general, I feel women end up dealing with a lot more toxins in their life, because we are constantly trying to figure out how to control our menstrual cycles, take pain away,… Continue reading 3 Ways to Reduce Toxicity in Your Life! (Ladies Only)

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind, Uncategorized

Kombucha Crazy!

  Kombucha. The word, itself, conveys a sort of whimsy and exotic wonder. The first time I heard it, I was immediately drawn to it’s earthy aura and I determined to know more! That was 4 years ago, and I have been a supporter of this strange Kombucha mania, ever since. What I thought was… Continue reading Kombucha Crazy!

Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Soul, Uncategorized

Empty Spaces Will Always Be Filled

Permaculture often times acts as a worldview. It is the view that if we would return to aiding the land in a more natural way of living, and let vegetation and soil interact the way they were meant to, we would have a surplus of nutritious food. This confidence in permaculture comes from the fact… Continue reading Empty Spaces Will Always Be Filled

Permaculture for the Earth

Giving Comfrey Some Credit

Never heard of the amazing Comfrey plant and its many uses? Well, let me introduce you! I was introduced to comfrey well over a year ago when my boyfriend filled my room in college with 3 baby comfrey roots, which I was supposed to nurture. He called it a miracle plant and told me that it… Continue reading Giving Comfrey Some Credit

Permaculture for the Earth

My Pet Worms: Creating a 5 Bucket Worm Compost

I grew up on a hobby farm. At any given period we had horses, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks and sometimes deer and raccoons. I love animals. All of them. But I currently live in Milwaukee, and the only animal I have, my horse, lives at my parents' house. I have no pets living… Continue reading My Pet Worms: Creating a 5 Bucket Worm Compost

Permaculture for the Earth

What is Permaculture?

One day my boyfriend (who is now my husband) told me he wanted to build a life and career around "permaculture". What? Perma-what? Is that some sort of science lab test kit? Does it involve travel? Is it something to do with fashion? I had never heard of the concept until just two years ago,… Continue reading What is Permaculture?