Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 21: Edible Landscaping & Permaculture Principles w/ Alec LePoidevin of Fresh Roots WI



This is episode #21! Today, I am chatting with Alec LePoidevin of Fresh Roots Edible Landscaping. Alec and I connected over the infamous Instagram… because, who doesn’t loves obsessing over the photos that are organized under  #permaculturedesign & #zone5gardening? Alec is a fellow lover of health, sustainability and permaculture ethics. He is doing amazing work across southeast Wisconsin in helping people garden and learn about how they can better take care of the land around them. In this episode, we get super practical about what a permaculture designer does and how our Wisconsin, zone 5 region is accepting the regenerative agriculture movement. Hopefully this podcast inspires you to take action or just reminds you that there are others pouring their energy into this regenerative revolution!


In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • A little background on Alec and how his own health journey got him interested in landscaping and gardening.
  • How Fresh Roots WI got started and how he is working to get edible landscaping and sustainability more accepted in this area.
  • His work with the Green Team in Waukesha, WI.
  • His dreams for helping people move from their first plant on their windowsill to more of a total lawn take-over and making backyards into gardens!
  • Some of the plants he uses on a normal basis.
  • Our dream of planting Paw Paw trees 🙂
  • His recommendations for getting started in edible landscaping.


Resources Mentioned/Used:



For More on this Topic See:

Previous Podcasts & Blogs on Permaculture and Sustainable Gardening ideas 🙂


This show is brought to you by ME and my super supportive family! If you would like to support this process, please leave me a review, share with your friends/family, pray for us, and/or pay it forward by helping others in need.

Intro/Outro Music by Scott Holmes, “A Wee Tipple”