Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast, Uncategorized

PPP 42: The Call to Slow Down, Create from Scratch & Cultivate Old-Fashioned Skills w/ Jill Winger of The Prairie Homestead

Jill is the founder of The Prairie Homestead, a cornerstone of the modern homesteading movement since 2010. She is passionate about teaching old-fashioned skills, and encouraging a more thoughtful, time-honored approach to modern life. Her practical and authentic style of teaching and storytelling has won the hearts of hundreds of thousands of homesteaders through her best-selling cookbook, across social media, and via her top-ranked Old-Fashioned on Purpose podcast, which has amassed over 5 million downloads since its inception. She has been featured in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, Wyoming PBS, and People magazine. And today we are chatting about soil and food and all the ways these things influence our lives!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 41: Biblical Cosmology, Questioning the Narrative & Navigating Deception w/ Fact Hunter, George Hobbs, of The Flat Earth Files

Today, I am excited to introduce you to a fellow truth-seeker…the fact-hunter, and host of the unexpectedly popular “Flat Earth Files”, George Hobbs. So, take a deep breath and stick around for a conversation that may or may not blow your mind! George Hobb's Podcasts: The Fact Hunter Podcast: Podcast Link: Website: The Flat Earth Files Podcast Website: This show is brought to you by my affiliate work through doTERRA, Tippecanoe Herbs, Kion & my super supportive family! If you would like to support this process, please leave me a review, share with your friends/family, pray for us, and/or pay it forward by helping others in need.

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 38: Hemp from Plant to Product, Familial Collaboration & The Importance of Quality CBD w/ Ryan Heath & Vanessa Teff of Moonflower Botanicals

Today, I am excited to tap into the hemp and CBD world, with a beautiful couple I met this past March. I have driven deep into the comparison of different products and brand names and I find that after wading through hours of company bios, research on cannabinoid systems or THC, I find that I want simplicity. Which is why I get super excited when I meet people who are part of the process from plant to product. I found this plant to product collaboration in Ryan Heath and Vanessa Teff. Ryan is the hemp grower through Shady Oak Hemp Farm and Vanessa runs Optimum Vitality Nutrition & Wellness, which specializes in nutritional therapy, cold laser, yoga & sports performance. Together, they have created a hemp based concoction called “Moonflower Botanicals”, and today is just about sharing information regarding the cbd world, from the perspective of those who are closest to it.

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 37: Growing Food Instead of Lawns, Visualization, Permaculture Design & Solving Big Problems w/ Jim Gale of Food Forest Abundance

Today, I am introducing you to a new-to-me voice in the permaculture space. At VaxCon 2022, I was taken with this team of brothers who were focused on spreading permaculture design across the southeast Wisconsin area. They were working with a company called, Food Forest Abundance. This company was established in 2020 as a way to help people grow their own food and has blossomed into a global movement to help people become more self-reliant. Since their official launch on Earth Day 2021, they have expanded throughout most of the United States and into 15 other countries. I am beyond excited to chat with their “Chief Storyteller”, Jim Gale, and discover more about the mission, mindset and practicalities of this regenerative based growing model. 

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 35: Regenerative Gardening, Permaculture Community Principles, & Springtime Prep w/ Stephanie Rose of Garden Therapy

Today, I am introducing you to Stephanie Rose. Stephanie is the founder of the popular website, which includes gardening and permaculture advice, information and projects. She’s an award-winning author and a student and teacher of organic gardening and permaculture, who aims to encourage better living through plants. This conversation will get you inspired for springtime, share practical tips for garden landscapes and focus on Stephanie's most recent book, The Regenerative Garden: 80 Practical Projects for Creating a Self-sustaining Garden Ecosystem. I am so excited to introduce you to the experience and natural vibe Stephanie cultivates, so stick around while we dive into practical permaculture with Stephanie Rose. 

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 33: Possibilities of Permaculture for Relief Efforts, Soil Building & Whole Systems Design w/ Koreen Brennan of Grow Permaculture

Koreen Brennan of is a designer and educator who has a long resume of experiences within the regenerative growing world! Today, we discuss the way permaculture can aid disaster relief, build our soils and transform our communities.

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 32: All About the Mustards: Invasive Species or Courageous Superfood!? w/ Kyle Denton of Tippecanoe Herbs

Today we are diving into the world of Mustards! This episode was inspired after hearing people around me complain about and spray herbicides on garlic mustard. Many of us have been told that garlic mustard is an "invasive species", and yet, I have learned that all plants have strengths and weaknesses! Today is about recognizing the amazing benefits of the mustard family, including and especially, garlic mustard! Kyle Denton of Tippecanoe Herbs is my guest expert on mustards! We are thrilled to partner with Kyle to bring you a little insight to these amazing superfoods!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Soul, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 30: Off-Grid Living, Natural Building, Land Ethics & Pivoting toward Simplicity, Adventure & Spiritual Growth w/ Amy Dailey of Wild Earth Flower Farm

This is Episode #30, and today we are hanging out with my sorta-sister, Amy Dailey! Amy and her partner are doing spectacular things in the name of sustainability, natural building and regenerative agriculture. I can't wait to share a bit of her story and the way she has moved toward a minimalist lifestyle, with a focus on stewarding their land in Oregon. In this conversation we dive into off-grid living, growing on new land, and all things nature & intentionality.

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 29: Permaculture Luminary Mark Shepard on Lessons of Nature, Perennials, STUN method & Principles for Life/Land Restoration

This is Episode #29. Today, I am having a fangirl moment because I am interviewing the man who is responsible for officially putting a “permaculture” hook in my brain.  Mark Shepard is the CEO of Forest Agriculture Nursery LLC, founder of Restoration Agriculture Development LLC and award-winning author of the book, Restoration Agriculture: which happens to be the very first book I ever read about permaculture principles. Mark is famous in the permaculture world and he is right here in Wisconsin, a zone 3/4 growing environment, which makes me even MORE excited to talk to him about his work, his advice and his dreams for making our environment a more abundant landscape!I hope you are inspired by one of the great thinkers and doers within the regenerative growing world!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 27: Violets Are Blue & Powerful Too! Another Plant Feature!

This is episode number 27 . Today, I am throwing it back to where this podcast began: Plant features! When I started this podcast in 2018, I wanted a podcast that taught me about plants!!! I wanted to learn about plants I could grow, plants I could eat, and just all the things to love about various plants! So far in our plant journey, we have covered Comfrey, Chamomile, Dandelion, Burdock, Carrot & Basil, and today is another plant feature! My late grandmother’s namesake, the Wisconsin state flower, and the signature flower of Napoleon Bonaparte; Violet. So, stick around while I take a deep dive into everything you ever wanted to know about Violets.

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 21: Edible Landscaping & Permaculture Principles w/ Alec LePoidevin of Fresh Roots WI

Alec LePoidevin, of Fresh Roots WI, is a fellow lover of health, sustainability and permaculture ethics. He is doing amazing work across southeast Wisconsin in helping people garden and learn about how they can better take care of the land around them. Here, we get super practical about what a permaculture designer does and how our Wisconsin, zone 5 region is accepting the regenerative agriculture movement. Hopefully this podcast inspires you to take action or just reminds you that there are others pouring their energy into this regenerative revolution!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 20: Sustainable Cooking & Lifestyle with Jessica Marcy of Sweet Love and Ginger

Jessica Marcy of Sweet Love & Ginger, is a wife, mom, and environmental engineer from Upstate, NY. She is a champion for sustainability and the local food movement as well as an avid cook. At home, she enjoys gardening, hunting, fishing, foraging, crafting and adventuring with her family. , Today, we are focusing on the practicality of cooking with garden & foraging harvests. We are also discussing gardening with a family and seeking sustainability in this generation!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 17: Basil Benefits

Today is another plant feature, and we are taking about Basil. I am obsessed with basil. I skim restaurant menus for anything that includes basil, especially Thai dishes with basil. I use basil essential oil on sore muscles and I eat it fresh or dried on almost everything! Needless to say, this episode will be one of my favorites, so stick around as we delve into the basil plant and its many benefits to nature and mankind. 

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 16: Urban Gardening & Family Centered Permaculture with Jeremy Brown

Today, I am introducing you to someone who inspires me in both my permaculture and spiritual journey. Jeremy Brown is the creator of Brown Bear Wilderness Co. and a fellow Milwaukee permaculture educator, urban gardener, foraging/wilderness guide, husband and father of 5. We think very similarly about how taking care of the land, and growing our own food is a way of relating to and living out our faith. There are MANY things we could cover in today’s interview, but I am focusing specifically on Jeremy’s knowledge of urban gardening, gardening with a large family, and his dreams for wilderness education.

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 14: Crazy over Carrots

It's another plant feature all about carrots! Often my plant features have included plants that are lesser known as edibles, but today the plant feature is a vegetable that the majority of people will recognize and that many commonly partake of. We’ve snacked on them, dipped them, steamed them, chopped them, and juiced them…but do we REALLY know all that carrots are capable of?

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 11: Burdock Benefits Beyond Burrs

This is Episode #11 and it is the fourth in my Plant Features!! Today, we are taking a look at the Burdock plant. This is a plant that grows freely and easily in many regions, it may be best known for its annoying burrs that seem to latch onto horse, dogs, and clothing, but it is an amazing plant, nonetheless! This podcast is a rundown of what the burdock plant is and how its useful to nature and to mankind. 

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Earth

7 Easy Ways to Use Garden-Fresh Ingredients

So, you tried out your green thumb and it did alright! Now, how on earth do you use all of these fresh ingredients? Maybe you are a pro in the kitchen, but I do not consider myself quite so adept. I am a newbie, when it comes to food preparation! If I am being honest,… Continue reading 7 Easy Ways to Use Garden-Fresh Ingredients

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 10: Interview with Shane Dailey; Father, Homesteader & Kin

This episode is an interview with my only, half-brother by blood, full-brother by Spirit, Shane Dailey! Shane has SO MUCH wisdom he could share with us, but today we are focusing on his ability to recycle and repurpose normal everyday items around his property and garden. Consider this a homesteading feature about how an everyday family goes about creating a practical farm. Some might call him a hoarder, including me, but nonetheless his ingenuity for finding purpose in what many would consider garbage, is amazing! Listen in as my very own brother shares some of his tricks and tips for living an intentional permaculture inspired life!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Mind, Uncategorized

How to Grow a Green Thumb

I have met many people who would love to get started in the vast world of gardening, but they fear the unknown or the commitment. And I get it. Somedays, it is hard enough to keep enough water and food in our own bodies, much less, monitor the water, soil and sunlight of varying plants surrounding… Continue reading How to Grow a Green Thumb

Permaculture for the Earth, Uncategorized

Cold Weather Care: Apple Trees

I am a lover of apples. A crisp autumn day accompanied by applesauce with breakfast, a crunchy apple alongside my lunch (and maybe one for my horse) and some hot apple cider after dinner, is perfect for my Wisconsin-grown self. It would seem, no matter how many winters I experience, I get anxiety about how… Continue reading Cold Weather Care: Apple Trees

Permaculture for the Earth

Save the Seeds!

It sounds so heroic to be a part of the seed saving community, and it is!! Not only are you gathering food from your land, but then you are saving the seeds that food produces to continue the process of sowing and reaping. This cycle is immensely practical and forces us to respect and honor… Continue reading Save the Seeds!

Permaculture for the Earth

Mulch It

  Remember in the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", when the father believed that Windex was the cure-all for everything? Well, for those of us who garden and cultivate the land, mulch is our windex. Let's make this as simple as possible. 🙂 Why Mulch. Mulch is essentially a topping for the soil. It… Continue reading Mulch It

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Earth, Uncategorized

17 Beneficial, Edible, and Beautiful Midwest “Weeds” defines weeds as, 1. a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop. 2. any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it is not wanted. Our society is taught to pull weeds, stomp out weeds, or spray them with chemicals. According to the definition above, a weed is a "valueless plant" that grows where it is "not wanted". BUT, what if I told you that EVERY plant has value of some sort!! It is… Continue reading 17 Beneficial, Edible, and Beautiful Midwest “Weeds”

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

My Favorite Permaculture Resources

These last few weeks have been REALLY busy and filled with camping, traveling, and emotional highs and lows. Even though, I haven't posted a blog in ONE MONTH (never again), I have still been getting my permaculture fix through our own homestead and help from lots of other sustainable-thinking minds!! So, I decided that it… Continue reading My Favorite Permaculture Resources

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Poultry with the Princess

A beginners guide to getting and maintaining chickens. I love checklists and so here is my princess checklist for your poultry adventure!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Why You Should Hire a Permaculture Designer

I recently explained to a very dear family member that my husband has a permaculture design certificate from The Permaculture Institute, taught by Geoff Lawton and we are in the process of building a business around sustainable gardening and permaculture. They stared at me blankly. Often when people ask, “What do you do?” or “What… Continue reading Why You Should Hire a Permaculture Designer

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Millennial Farmers: A Chat with Gallatin Grown

I grew up on a hobby farm with a variety of animals, including sheep, chickens, goats, horses, dogs and cats. We made our own hay and sometimes we hosted a small garden. Living in Milwaukee county, I was considered a “farm girl”. This label can be thrown around quite easily, these days. Many documentaries and… Continue reading Millennial Farmers: A Chat with Gallatin Grown

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

Starting Microgreens

As the winter months are officially upon us, my husband's ability to play in the dirt has been greatly inhibited.   I thought our 5 bucket worm-compost, our 3 Rosemary plants, 3 Aloe plants, 2 Snake plants, 1 Ponytail Palm, 1 Ficus Tree, 1 Basil plant, and 1 Dragon Palm might be enough to quench his… Continue reading Starting Microgreens

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Uncategorized

My Husband Won’t Use the Toilet…

I'm kidding. Kinda. While my husband abides by most laws and social constructs, he has begun to take the phrase "nature calls" quite literally, so much as is possible. Why? Because it is better for the earth, our bodies, and society as a whole. There are some 'green' habits that I LOVE, and others that… Continue reading My Husband Won’t Use the Toilet…

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Permaculture for the Soul

Church Property for Community Garden

Permaculture thrives on the idea that all land has a purpose. Land and its potential should be wisely and carefully used for the benefit of all living things, and in such a way that provides present health and sustainability for future generations. While our society is dealing with a health crisis caused by a lack… Continue reading Church Property for Community Garden

Permaculture for the Earth

Giving Comfrey Some Credit

Never heard of the amazing Comfrey plant and its many uses? Well, let me introduce you! I was introduced to comfrey well over a year ago when my boyfriend filled my room in college with 3 baby comfrey roots, which I was supposed to nurture. He called it a miracle plant and told me that it… Continue reading Giving Comfrey Some Credit

Permaculture for the Earth

My Pet Worms: Creating a 5 Bucket Worm Compost

I grew up on a hobby farm. At any given period we had horses, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks and sometimes deer and raccoons. I love animals. All of them. But I currently live in Milwaukee, and the only animal I have, my horse, lives at my parents' house. I have no pets living… Continue reading My Pet Worms: Creating a 5 Bucket Worm Compost

Permaculture for the Earth

What is Permaculture?

One day my boyfriend (who is now my husband) told me he wanted to build a life and career around "permaculture". What? Perma-what? Is that some sort of science lab test kit? Does it involve travel? Is it something to do with fashion? I had never heard of the concept until just two years ago,… Continue reading What is Permaculture?

Permaculture for the Earth

5 Ways Permaculture Has Hijacked my Life…

My husband fell into the 'permaculture rabbit hole' and upon realizing I couldn't pull him out, I jumped in after him. I am totally enthralled and enthusiastic about the permaculture world as it relates to us as individuals, as a community, and as residents of the natural state in which we live. But no matter… Continue reading 5 Ways Permaculture Has Hijacked my Life…