Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 29: Permaculture Luminary Mark Shepard on Lessons of Nature, Perennials, STUN method & Principles for Life/Land Restoration

This is Episode #29. Today, I am having a fangirl moment because I am interviewing the man who is responsible for officially putting a “permaculture” hook in my brain.  Mark Shepard is the CEO of Forest Agriculture Nursery LLC, founder of Restoration Agriculture Development LLC and award-winning author of the book, Restoration Agriculture: which happens to be the very first book I ever read about permaculture principles. Mark is famous in the permaculture world and he is right here in Wisconsin, a zone 3/4 growing environment, which makes me even MORE excited to talk to him about his work, his advice and his dreams for making our environment a more abundant landscape!I hope you are inspired by one of the great thinkers and doers within the regenerative growing world!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 21: Edible Landscaping & Permaculture Principles w/ Alec LePoidevin of Fresh Roots WI

Alec LePoidevin, of Fresh Roots WI, is a fellow lover of health, sustainability and permaculture ethics. He is doing amazing work across southeast Wisconsin in helping people garden and learn about how they can better take care of the land around them. Here, we get super practical about what a permaculture designer does and how our Wisconsin, zone 5 region is accepting the regenerative agriculture movement. Hopefully this podcast inspires you to take action or just reminds you that there are others pouring their energy into this regenerative revolution!

Permaculture for the Earth, Permaculture for the Society, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 16: Urban Gardening & Family Centered Permaculture with Jeremy Brown

Today, I am introducing you to someone who inspires me in both my permaculture and spiritual journey. Jeremy Brown is the creator of Brown Bear Wilderness Co. and a fellow Milwaukee permaculture educator, urban gardener, foraging/wilderness guide, husband and father of 5. We think very similarly about how taking care of the land, and growing our own food is a way of relating to and living out our faith. There are MANY things we could cover in today’s interview, but I am focusing specifically on Jeremy’s knowledge of urban gardening, gardening with a large family, and his dreams for wilderness education.