Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind

OB-GYN vs Midwifery Prenatal Care

I sincerely did not know what a midwife was, until I was 26 years old. I was surprisingly and naively pregnant with my first baby. I went to a birth options seminar at a local birthing education center and was immediately over-taken by a world I never knew existed: The natural birth community. I was… Continue reading OB-GYN vs Midwifery Prenatal Care

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Society

Birth in the Comfort of My Home

If you have been following this blog for some time, you know that we are newly expecting! As I write this, I am 23 weeks pregnant, my belly button is popping, and we are having a GIRL! My husband recently asked me if pregnancy was similar to how I expected or imagined it would be. I… Continue reading Birth in the Comfort of My Home