Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind, Uncategorized

Empowered & Humbled: My Home Birth Hospital Transfer Story

I can vividly remember looking up at the florescent, bright lights on the ceiling of the ambulance and wondering to myself, "maybe I could just hide this part of my story...nobody has to know about this..." And as I reflected on my birth story, I quickly realized that my intense desire to fein some sort… Continue reading Empowered & Humbled: My Home Birth Hospital Transfer Story

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind

OB-GYN vs Midwifery Prenatal Care

I sincerely did not know what a midwife was, until I was 26 years old. I was surprisingly and naively pregnant with my first baby. I went to a birth options seminar at a local birthing education center and was immediately over-taken by a world I never knew existed: The natural birth community. I was… Continue reading OB-GYN vs Midwifery Prenatal Care

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind

Training for Birth

I love the sport of fitness. I love watching people train for anything! Some train for marathons, triathalons, weekend warrior races, intense yoga inversions, the Crossfit Games, or the Olympics. I am enamored with the human body and all the things it is capable of. My most recent training obsession has come with the adventure… Continue reading Training for Birth

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Soul

Montana’s Birth Story

It is a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable. -Socrates I have often seen this quote plastered over the visual of a powerful female athlete. Her muscles stand out, her body is chiseled, her focus is clear, and she is typically… Continue reading Montana’s Birth Story

Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Society

Birth in the Comfort of My Home

If you have been following this blog for some time, you know that we are newly expecting! As I write this, I am 23 weeks pregnant, my belly button is popping, and we are having a GIRL! My husband recently asked me if pregnancy was similar to how I expected or imagined it would be. I… Continue reading Birth in the Comfort of My Home