Permaculture for the Body, Permaculture for the Mind, Permaculture Princess Podcast

PPP 22: Acupuncture, EMFs, Cancer & Becoming an Empowered Patient w/ Brandon LaGreca

This is Episode #22! Today, I am interviewing a significant member of our health and wellness team, our acupuncturist, who has also become a friend. We met Brandon LaGreca at his acupuncture clinic here in Southeast Wisconsin, but his knowledge and passions go much further than needles and meridians. He is well-versed on alternative healing methods, and he also has a vested interest in electromagnetic frequencies, or EMF’s and their impact on society. In fact, he has recently authored a book titled, “Cancer and EMF Radiation: How to Protect Yourself From the Silent Carcinogen of Electropollution”.  I am so fascinated by the work that Brandon is doing, and I am excited to share his calm demeanor and well-researched knowledge base with you! He is truly dedicated to making the world a better place by improving the mind, body & soul of everyone he meets! This is filled with encouraging stories and practical education from Brandon LaGreca.