
Growing More than Veggies: Part II

One of my favorite Bible verses reads,

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4


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I used to view this verse as a promise that all my childhood dreams of becoming a famous actress would absolutely become reality. And yet, as I’ve grown to know God more, I’ve learned that as we delight ourselves in Him, He first changes our heart, so that it matches His own, and THEN He gives us the desires of our heart. (Which are actually in alignment with His own will and heart).

So, it is with a twinkle in my eye, excitement in my soul, and a growing comfort with the unknown, that I reveal we are expanding our little family!!

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That’s right, if you remember reading my announcement from about 2.5 years ago, you will recall that I never pictured motherhood. Now, I am about to embark on the process of growing, birthing, and raising another human being. Who am I? 😉

As we navigate this change in our family and intentional community, we are asking for prayers, positive thoughts, and encouragement.

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And for those interested, here is a little pregnancy update:

  • Currently 10 weeks pregnant, Due date: April 14th.
  • Still breastfeeding Montana (who is 20 months old) but due to straight up exhaustion, we are seriously engaging with the weaning process. (Growing a human, providing milk for a toddler, and doing normal life, is like some sort of physical/mental strength test I’ve never before practiced.)
  • I wish I knew how to take naps. Tired. All. The. Time.
  • This pregnancy has more nausea & light-headedness. No vomiting, but definitely more tiredness and lots of food cravings/aversions. (boy??)
  • I will be seeing the same midwife that delivered Montana. Erin O’Day of Mama Moon Midwifery.  We love her.
  • Pending my health and pregnancy, we will be planning for another home birth. Which I explained here, and then shared our actual birth experience here.
  • I am still working out, practicing yoga, pilates, & Crossfit.
  • I am taking the preparation process pretty seriously…again. You can read about how I “trained” for my first birth here . 
  • I am taking a plant-based Prenatal, an Essential Fatty Acid, a probiotic, an iron supplement, and on occasion doTerra’s CRS+& Terrazyme, and eating as well as possible. 🙂 #pickles
  • I am listening to The Birth Hour again, and starting to visualize the labor process. P.S. Did you know I shared my first birth story on this awesome podcast?
  • I am reading 2 great books, The Kind Mama, by Alicia Silverstone & The Mama Natural Week-to-Week Guide to Pregnancy, by Genevieve Howland.
  • I am ALREADY showing! In fact, my belly button is popping! I didn’t show, in my last pregnancy until almost 15 weeks, but at 7 weeks, people were already starting to notice!! It seems my body is definitely remembers the stretching process.
  • I am super excited, but also very nervous. If I am being honest, I have a hard time imagining our family of 3 changing. Montana is my baby, and only by the grace of God will I be ready and willing to welcome another child into my heart, in the same way. I know there are A MILLION mothers who have gone before me, and proven that love is vast and inclusive, but I still have a hard time imagining there being room for another.
  • For those interested in the birth/labor world, or just our world of littles, I promise to keep you updated, but if you have any questions along the way, let me know!! I’m a pretty open book!


Special thanks to my sweet cousin (first cousin, once removed, by adoption? LOL) Kaylee, of Weirather Designs, for capturing these great images of our family in Montana. Montana is where Danny and I met, and fell in love. It is also the name of our baby girl, and so, it was super special to have these pictures!

4 thoughts on “Growing More than Veggies: Part II”

    1. Congratulations! I remember my sister when she was pregnant with her 2nd (now has 3) she had a hard time thinking of adding to the family cause it had just been the 3 of them for 2 years. But then the baby comes along and it’s all over from there! You will be madly in love, and adjust to a larger family. Loves grows it doesn’t divide by numbers…amazing thing about God’s love!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congratulations!!! So excited for you. I’m sure grandparents are extactic as well. I pray your pregnancy and birth will go as well as last time.. God bless you and your family.


  2. Awesome! You have some ways to go to catchup with your brother though! He can tell you all about loving more than one little person!


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